Wars fought by India since independence (1947) : Sad agony

wars fought by India since independence
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Wars fought by India since independence (1947)

Since gaining independence from British rule in 1947, India has experienced a number of conflicts and wars, both within its borders and beyond. These conflicts have had significant impacts on the country and its people, and have shaped the course of its history. 10 wars fought by India since independence are given below :

India-Pakistan Wars

The most significant and perhaps best-known conflicts in India’s history have been the wars with Pakistan. The two countries have been in a state of conflict since their creation in 1947, and have fought several wars over the years.

The first of these wars, known as the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947, was fought over the disputed territory of Kashmir. This conflict resulted in the creation of two separate countries, India and Pakistan, and a ceasefire agreement that left Kashmir divided between the two nations.

The second Indo-Pakistani War, also known as the Sino-Indian War, was fought in 1962 over a border dispute in the Himalayan region. This conflict resulted in a victory for China, and a loss for India.

The third Indo-Pakistani War, known as the Bangladesh Liberation War, was fought in 1971. This conflict was sparked by a civil war in East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh), and India became involved in support of the Bangladesh independence movement. The war resulted in the creation of the independent nation of Bangladesh.

The most recent Indo-Pakistani War, known as the Kargil War, was fought in 1999 over control of the Kargil district in the disputed territory of Kashmir. This conflict resulted in a victory for India and a withdrawal of Pakistani forces from the region.

wars fought by India since independence

Sino-Indian War

The Sino-Indian War was a brief but significant conflict fought between China and India in 1962. The war was sparked by a border dispute in the Himalayan region, and resulted in a victory for China and a defeat for India.

The war had significant consequences for both countries, with both suffering significant losses in terms of human lives and economic resources. It also had broader implications, as it strained relations between the two countries and contributed to the overall tensions between China and the rest of the world.

Insurgency in Northeast India

Since the 1950s, there have been a number of separatist and insurgent movements in the Northeast region of India, including in the states of Assam, Nagaland, and Manipur. These movements have been fueled by a variety of factors, including ethnic, cultural, and economic tensions, and have led to a number of violent conflicts and clashes with the Indian government.

Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir

Since the late 1980s, there has been an ongoing insurgency in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, which has been disputed between India and Pakistan since independence. The insurgency has been fueled by a variety of factors, including ethnic, religious, and political tensions, and has led to significant violence and human rights abuses.

Naxalite Insurgency

The Naxalite insurgency is a Maoist-inspired rebellion that has been ongoing in India since the late 1960s. The insurgency is concentrated in rural areas of central and eastern India, and has been fueled by a variety of factors, including poverty, inequality, and land disputes. The conflict has led to significant violence and human rights abuses, and has had a significant impact on the region.

wars fought by India since independence

Insurgency in Punjab

The insurgency in Punjab was a conflict that took place in the state of Punjab in the 1980s and 1990s. The insurgency was fueled by a number of factors, including religious and political tensions, and resulted in significant violence and human rights abuses. The conflict was eventually resolved through negotiations and the intervention of the Indian government, but its legacy continues to be felt in the region.

India-China Border Dispute

The India-China border dispute is a longstanding conflict between the two countries over the precise demarcation of their shared border. The dispute has been fueled by a variety of factors, including territorial claims, access to resources, and strategic interests.

The dispute has led to a number of clashes and skirmishes over the years, including the 1962 Sino-Indian War. While efforts have been made to resolve the dispute through negotiations and confidence-building measures, the dispute remains unresolved and continues to be a source of tension between the two countries.

wars fought by India since independence

India-Sri Lanka Civil War

The India-Sri Lanka Civil War was a conflict that took place in Sri Lanka from 1983 to 2009, and involved a number of parties, including the Sri Lankan government, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), and the Indian Peacekeeping Force (IPKF). The conflict was fueled by a number of factors, including ethnic and religious tensions, and resulted in significant violence and human rights abuses.

India became involved in the conflict in 1987, when it sent the IPKF to Sri Lanka as part of a peacekeeping mission. However, the mission was met with resistance from the LTTE and other groups, and resulted in a number of clashes and casualties. The conflict ultimately ended in 2009, with the defeat of the LTTE and the restoration of control by the Sri Lankan government.

India-Maldives Military Intervention

The India-Maldives Military Intervention was a conflict that took place in 1988, when India intervened in the Maldives to restore the government of President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom after it was toppled in a coup. The intervention was supported by a number of other countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, and resulted in the restoration of the government and the withdrawal of Indian forces.

Operation Pawan

Operation Pawan was a military operation launched by India in 1987 to intervene in the Sri Lankan Civil War and provide support to the Sri Lankan government. The operation was met with resistance from the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and other groups, and resulted in a number of clashes and casualties. The operation was eventually terminated in 1990, with the withdrawal of Indian forces from Sri Lanka.

Conclusion : India has experienced a number of conflicts and wars since gaining independence in 1947, both within its borders and beyond. These conflicts have had significant impacts on the country and its people, and have shaped the course of its history.

wars fought by India since independence

Wars fought by India since independence (1947)

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